Crosstab Builder - Filters, Columns, & Rows

Adding filters, columns, & rows to the Data Spreadsheet

Filters are added and managed from the Filters Dialog Box
Clicking the dropdown opens the Filters Dialog Box
Clicking the close icon will minimize the Filters Dialog Box
Click the dropdown arrow to open the variable list for the survey
Scroll or use the search to find the filter variable to be applied.
Click and drag the desired variable filter into the Filter Dialog Box. 
Drag and Drop Filter Variable Video
Folders can also be added to the Filter Dialog Box by drag and drop
Activate or deactivate a variable by clicking the checkbox
To remove a variable right click and select remove
Drag and Drop Folder into Filter Variable Dialog Box, Check/Uncheck, and Remove Video
Apply filter changes to the Data Spreadsheet by clicking Calculate
If multiple filters are active, a tab is created for each sheet at the bottom of the spreadsheet

Columns & Rows
Columns & Rows can be added or removed from the Data Spreadsheet
Columns and Rows are managed in the dialog boxes
Click the dropdown to open the survey
Use the search box or scroll to locate variables to be added
Drag and drop variables into the Column box
Drag and drop variables into the Row Box
Only checked variables will be displayed in the Data Spreadsheet. Uncheck variables not needed
Remove a variable from the Column or Row dialog boxes by right clicking and selecting remove
Click Calculate to populate the Data Spreadsheet with the variables added in Columns and Rows dialog boxes
Add Column & Row Variables Video