Crosstab Builder - Overview

Building crosstabs and exporting data

The Crosstab Builder can be broken down into 3 parts:

Other Key Features of the Crosstab Builder are detailed below.
Back Button
The Back Button will return you to the Home Page (Managing Surveys)

Window Resizing
The window size of the three main components can be controlled using the bars highlighted below
Just grab and drag as demonstrated in the video below

Report Options
Report options control what information is displayed in the Data Spreadsheet and exported files
Clicking on Report Options will open the dialog box with three tabs: Data Item, Weight File, & Report Settings
Data Item
Fields displayed on the Data Spreadsheet can be renamed, reordered, or excluded
Field Rename
To change a field name click in the box, delete the contents and type the new field name
When finished click Update, Close, and Calculate to apply the changes to the Data Spreadsheet
Reorder Fields
To reorder the fields click the dropdown next to the field and select a new position number
When finished click Update, Close, and Calculate to apply the changes to the Data Spreadsheet
Include/Exclude Fields
Unchecking the box next to a field will exclude it from the Data Spreadsheet
When finished click Update, Close, and Calculate to apply the changes to the Data Spreadsheet
Weight File
To add a weight file from the survey select the Weight File tab.
Click the drop down arrow and pick the appropriate column from the list.

(Click to enlarge)

When finished click Update, Close, and Calculate to apply the changes to the Data Spreadsheet
Report Settings
Here you can add additional fields to a report including Date/Time and set the number of decimals displayed 
Enter a value for the fields to be added and click the checkbox next to them
When finished click Update, Close, and Calculate to apply the changes to the Data Spreadsheet

The single most important button in the Crosstab Builder, clicking Calculate:
 Applies and saves setting changes
 Updates the information displayed in the Data Spreadsheet.

Export Data
Clicking the three dots in the upper right hand corner of the Crosstab Builder opens the Export options
Select PDF, XLS, or CSV and the Open/Save Window will be displayed
Reports can also be exported using the print function in the Google Sheet
Simply Click the print icon
From the print preview window set up the report format including headers and footers
Page numbers, workbook title, sheet name, date and time can all be added
Click next to start printing